Sunday, June 22, 2008
Okay more on this TEEN PREGNANCY bit
Parents and adults in the Gloucester community blame broken families and movies like "Juno" and "Knocked Up," which target teenagers, for making them believe that pregnancies are the best thing that could happen to them
Are you kidding me? How can you put this blame on movies. Lets face it. Without proper parenting kids this age are going to do what they want to. The school district is completely embarrassed that 17 females in their school are "Knocked UP". Sometimes no matter how good of a parent you try to be or think you are your kids will do something like this. I do not believe this is a reflection of parents but the area they are around... After all, doesn't that high school have a DAY CARE?
Meanwhile, Mayor Carolyn Kirk, a member of the school committee, has placed some blame on the "hard economic time" the city is going through and stated that the existence of such a pact is "believable, in the sense that it would explain this spike" in teenage pregnancies, referring to the fact that the number of pregnancies were four times as high than last year.
Really? Then these kids know NOTHING about a child. To feed, clothe, diaper and the rest with in the first year is at least 10 grand or more. Not like their parents can afford to help them so i bet they will get on welfare and we will be supporting them. Not that welfare is bad, they should have given themselves a chance to do it right the first time
"It’s the social environment these girls are coming from," added Kirk. "They think that a baby can give them love or give them status or fill an empty space in their life, and these girls are very, very young. And I think if you talk to any teenage mother who is caring for an infant, the road is not easy."
Well when your social environment has a day care that is free and you can still continue your education it all seems pretty easy! I do not believe these kids are going to pay for what they did in anyway RIGHT NOW. They will pay later down the road when they have to worry about day care and so on. Yes, they are young. They are going to think this baby is the only one that can ever understand them and love them. Until 3am when the kid won't sleep and they are up all night getting puked on!!! THATS LOVE!
This trend has somewhat been glamorized in reports prior and on Thursday when Britney Spears's 17-year-old sister Jamie Lynn Spears gave birth to a baby girl.
Yeah so that is true. I really do not think that this is glamorized. She is a celebrity and that is what happens. Look, she went from a tiny 16 year old to a pregnant woman over night. Where is the glamor in that? Kids live in a blurred vision tunnel. These girls wanted 15 minutes of fame. Now they are getting 18 years of guilt, heartache, love, mess, back talking, the works!
For these girls sake I hope they have wonderful pregnancies and that they go on the have healthy babies. Later down the road they will realize it was a mistake. I hope they do not take that out on their children but them selves and push to be the best they can be and not another statistic. These babies deserve a perfect life and the 17 girls need to strive for that.
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Baby Borrowers... Ties into last post
. I personally think this is a great idea.
I just thought i would share.... Perhaps that it would be a good idea for freshmen in high school should go through a class like this
Mass. teen girls made pregnancy pact
Reports: Mass. teen girls made pregnancy pact
GLOUCESTER, Mass. (AP) — A pact made by a group of teens to get pregnant and raise their babies together is at least partly behind a sudden spike in pregnancies at Gloucester High School, school officials said.
Principal Joseph Sullivan told Time magazine in a story published Wednesday that the girls confessed to making the pact after the school began investigating a rise in pregnancies that has left 17 girls at the school carrying a child. Normally, there are about four pregnancies a year at the school.
Sullivan told Time that nearly half of the expecting students, none over 16, were involved. Sullivan said students were coming to the school clinic multiple times to get pregnancy tests, and "seemed more upset when they weren't pregnant than when they were."
VIDEO: Massachusetts high schoolers make pregnancy pact
Some of the girls reacted to the news they were pregnant with high fives and plans for baby showers, Sullivan said. One of the fathers "is a 24-year-old homeless guy," Sullivan told the magazine.
The stresses of life....
1 Granny and her cancer.... She has booted her live in bf cause he was a drunk. That is fine. Wonderful actually. Except for some financial benefits that he had. He was not rich but he had a job and helped her pay the house bills. My uncle has decided to go back to school to because a CPA and that is pretty much full time. He lives with Granny. Granny gets a social security check of not much for 2 people. Thank god her house is paid for! I feel that after this lovely vacation (thats another story) that we are going on i should get a night job (another story). At least a job to help with her electric bill.
2 Hubby comes home from work late and it really messes up the schedule of the kids. They are used to eating at about 430 and things cleaned up by 6 and we spend time with them before bed time at 7. When he gets home late that ruins them. They do not want to sleep because they want to spend time with daddy. I understand but sometimes i hate the NAVY!
3 My dog doesn't like my daughter... He has an attitude and likes to pee in her room! i mean it is funny but not at the same time! I am sure when she stops being mean to him he will stop peeing in her room!
4 We are going to Minnesota for a week in August. I really do not mind going there. After all it is hubby family. BUT We were supposed to have a wedding next year in May. We were going to use our tax money and pay for it. But we need to pay off some bills before we do that. We are already married and we are just doing it for family and picture sake. OH and his family believes that if we do not get married we are going to hell. WTF. I believe in God and all that but they are a bit over the top. He has not told his family what is going on and when we get there i am going to get questioned about it. I am not gonna be a happy camper. Why can't he just tell them before we get there? I do not understand. I don't understand the lack of communication with him and his family.
5 A night job... Hubby told me that he doesn't know if he will be able to watch the kids at night while i work. I have not mentioned this to anyone in the family. Granny has done so much for me that i feel like this is the least that i can help her with. The kids sleep at 7 i mean really how hard is it?
6 Back to the vacation... I am really scared and stressed over this Florida trip. I am scared to Fly with Little Dude, the stress of going on vacation. I am sure that i will be fine once it all starts. Oh did i mention i am taking the dog with us on the plane!!! That is if they have not raised the prices for that crap too!
I think that is all my bitching for now. I need to clean. Read some things on how to blog better and go from there.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Dog H2O bowl is a fav among the kids?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Who said a shower was so important....
Little Dude has 4 molars coming in and they are not pushing through. He has been horrid for the last 3 weeks. We got him to a point that he would sleep through the night but i feel like he has back tracked. I am not sure if it is his medications or the fact that he is having trouble breathing in his sleep. He wakes all frustrated and trying to catch his breath. I am not to sure. I know that i am going to be switching all of our PCM so maybe i get a doctor i like. That is on my list of things to do tomorrow... Lets hope that i remember
I guess that is enough bitching about my kids. They are really wonderful... I am just to stressed out to try to analyze what a 3 and 1 year old are doing!!!
Posting in my blog
With all that being said. You will not find right punctuation, grammar or anything else that you learn in the English language in High School. I am just simple and would like to get my thoughts out. This is my outlet and this is what i will bugg those of you in the blogger world with.
thank you
have a nice day!
Sea World San Diego!!

WE had SO much fun!!! We get in free once a year s we took advantage of that on Father's Day. The kids had such a great time! They opened the Bay of Play and Brianna had a BLAST. I can't want to take little dude back so he can have some fun!!! He fell asleep at that time so i just stayed with him!!!
If you come to San Diego I highly recommend bringing your kids to have a good time!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Breastfeeding rates at their highest
Thursday, June 5, 2008
1. Simmons Kids Recalls Crib Mattresses Due to Entrapment Hazard
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207
June 5, 2008
Release #08-296
Firm's Recall Hotline: (800) 810-8611
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
Simmons Kids Recalls Crib Mattresses Due to Entrapment Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Simmons Kids Crib Mattresses
Units: About 20,000
Manufacturer: Simmons Kids, a division of The Simmons Manufacturing Co., LLC of Atlanta, Ga.
Hazard: Some of the crib mattresses can measure smaller than the 27 1/4 inch minimum width requirement for cribs, creating a gap between the mattress and crib side rails, posing an entrapment hazard to infants.
Incidents/Injuries: Simmons Kids and CPSC have received one report of a 6-month old baby becoming wedged between the mattress and crib's frame. The baby was removed from the crib by the parent without injury.
Description: The recalled mattresses involve open coil crib mattresses manufactured between July 1, 2006 and March 23, 2008 with a color label attached to the top or side of the mattress that has the following model names:
Pottery Barn Kids by Simmons Kids Lullaby
Simmons Kids Slumber Time Evening Star Luxury Firm
Simmons Kids Baby Mattress Series 400
Simmons Kids Baby Mattress 234 Coil Count
The crib mattresses also have a law tag that is sewn into the edge of the mattress. The law tag has the date of manufacture and in most cases will contain one of the following model numbers: H59044.15.0014, M59082.15.0002, M59027.15.0002 or M59065.15.0006. Pocketed Coils(r) and Simmons Kids or Simmons Juvenile Products crib mattresses manufactured before July 1, 2006 or after March 23, 2008 are not included in the recall.
Sold at: Pottery Barn Kids and nursery furniture retailers from July 2006 through May 2008 for between $100 and $150.
Manufactured in: United States
Remedy: Consumers should measure the width of their mattress using a reliable measuring device, such as a yard stick or tape measure, by removing all outer coverings, placing mattress on floor and measuring the width near the middle, from the outside edge of the tape binding to the opposite side of the mattress. Consumers should immediately stop using the mattress if it measures less than 27 1/4 inches and contact Simmons Kids to receive a free replacement mattress.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Simmons Kids at (800) 810-8611 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Thursday, and between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. ET, on Friday or visit the firm's Web site at
To see this recall on CPSC's web site, including pictures of the recalled product, please go to:
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A few thoughts
please pray for our Men and Women that our fighting for our country today. If you agree or not our government sent them there.
Jesus Christ and the American G.I.
One died for your soul, the others for your freedom"