Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cancer, Friends, Downtown and getting old

First lets start with the cancer. My Granny has lung cancer with it spread in other places in her body. It is small cell. They have given her 2 years 50/50. Not good no matter how you look at it. I have had many emotions when it comes to this. Denial, Mad, Sad, Hurt, Hopeful i could go on. I can sit and say now that when i think about it the most i am is MAD. My Granny is 72 years old she has been smoking since she was 12! That is 60 years!!! Sixty freakin years!!! I understand addictions, really i do. In this year there is so much medical proof that lets you know what smoking does, it just bugs me. People very dear to me still smoke, my husband, mother father everyone! I am the only one that doesn't. Maybe there is something wrong with me. I know that until she gets better this is going to bug me. I am not one of those ppl to go and protest what others do or to try to preach to them but perhaps when i go to florida i will bring some pictures back of how granny is and so other ppl can see what they will face if they keep smoking!!!

My best friend came into town last week and we went out. I love getting ready to go out getting pretty and just having a good time. I can honestly say that the downtown scene is no longer for me. Dinner with great food and wine is what seems good to me! I have had a nice life had a lot of fun and a lot of great friends. I have 2 lovely children and i think that it is time to do grown up things! Maybe it is just time to relax and have dinner here and there!

I hope to start writing at least every other day now. I would like to get this blog up about my life and where my journey takes me!

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