Friday, April 11, 2008

Granny, Crazy kids, and babies

Granny was diagnosed with cancer about 2 months ago. She started her kemo and has done really good. She has just been really tired. She has kept her appetite and still remained herself with her crazy sense of humor and her wonderful outlook on life. She has been really optimistic about everything, Including her HAIR. She has had that same hair style since i dunno when. I remember it for the longest time. Well today she called and told me that she lost her hair. I dunno why but i had so many questions. I knew that i should have expected it but DAMN. She got herself a wig and i hope that she gets used to it by July. Granny is taking it
really well.
She is so optimistic about everything that i can't not be the same. Granny has been my grandmother, mother, friend, best friend, shoulder to cry on. She is my rock, she is who i look up to. I know she will be okay. She has to see her great grand-babies grow up!

These damn kids are nuts! It is like they gang up on me in their own way. This week was hard Daddy had long days and a duty day that sucked! They didn't give me a break for one second. Also with the new puppy they all have me in circles!!! I love my kids but maybe today I will get a break. The puppy is doing great with potty training and he is very well behaved. I could not
have asked for a better dog. The kids are a bit
rough with him but they will be fine. They just
need to learn that they can't hit him with things
and can't try to drag him in blankets! Maybe
one day he will stand up for himself!

Today was also hard because I went to the hospital to see my friends newborn who is in NICU. It tore me apart. Her son is in the NICU for the same thing E had. He was also born at 36 weeks so they are treating him for preemie and
TTN which is what E had. It really tore me up for many reasons. A baby in NICU is never good. And i can only vision what my son went through when i was recovering myself. It really hurt but i knew that it was the best thing for him.

Info on TTN can be found HERE

Lets have cheers to a Great weekend

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