Today while the little one was napping the older one and I made muffins (she calls them nuffins). I cheated, I used boxed banana nut mix. I also bought one of those new silicone bake ware things that holds 6 regular size muffins. It sucked! half the muffin stayed in the cup! they are supposed to be non-stick! I got it from my local grocery store because it was on sale..... I won't be buying anymore of those!
For what it is worth.... The muffins are great though!

Hey, it's not cheating! You used the oven, right?? That counts!
Thanks for all the luv on my blog. I really appreciate friendly comments LOL! Even good disagreeing ones if we're friendly!
I'm totally glad you wrote this b/c I've been tempted to buy one of those silicon muffin pans forever. And now I won't. :)
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